All Dota 2 Heroes and Characters in 2024(Updated)
Last Update: 09/14/2024
Summer Ye

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Welcome to the expansive and ever-changing world of Dota 2 in 2024! With 124 diverse heroes, each armed with unique abilities and distinct styles, this beloved game offers a rich tapestry of strategies and in-game dynamics. Whether you’re new to the battlefield or have countless victories under your belt, getting to know each hero's strengths, weaknesses, and tactical nuances is crucial for your journey to mastery. 

In this article, we’ll introduce you to the best hero and character available in Dota 2 this year, helping you understand their roles within the team and their potential impact on the game's meta. Let’s dive into the captivating universe of Dota 2’s heroes and discover the endless possibilities they bring to every match.

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All Strength Heroes in Dota 2

Strength heroes in Dota 2 are generally known for their durability and capacity to initiate fights. They often serve as tanks or front-line warriors, possessing high health and abilities that allow them to sustain considerable damage, control crowds, or provide utility to the team. 

  1. Abaddon
  2. Alchemist
  3. Axe
  4. Beastmaster
  5. Brewmaster
  6. Bristleback
  7. Centaur Warrunner
  8. Chaos Knight
  9. Clockwerk
  10. Dawnbreaker
  11. Doom
  12. Dragon Knight
  13. Earth Spirit
  14. Earthshaker
  15. Elder Titan
  16. Huskar
  17. Io
  18. Kunkka
  19. Legion Commander
  20. Lifestealer
  21. Lycan
  22. Magnus
  23. Marci
  24. Mars
  25. Night Stalker
  26. Omniknight
  27. Phoenix
  28. Pudge
  29. Sand King
  30. Slardar
  31. Snapfire
  32. Spirit Breaker
  33. Sven
  34. Tidehunter
  35. Timbersaw
  36. Tiny
  37. Treant Protector
  38. Tusk
  39. Underlord
  40. Undying
  41. Wraith King

10 Best Strength Heroes in Dota 2

Here's a detailed overview of the abilities for ten of the best Strength heroes in Dota 2. These heroes are often chosen for their robustness, control, and team-fight impact:

1. Tidehunter


  • Gush: Reduces an enemy's armor and slows them while dealing damage.
  • Kraken Shell: Provides passive damage block and dispels debuffs after taking a threshold of damage.
  • Anchor Smash: Deals damage in an area around Tidehunter and reduces the attack damage of hit enemies.
  • Ravage (Ultimate): Causes tentacles to erupt from the ground around him, stunning and damaging all nearby enemies.

2. Axe


  • Berserker’s Call: Forces nearby enemies to attack him, granting Axe bonus armor during the duration.
  • Battle Hunger: Inflicts a target enemy with a debuff that slows them and deals damage over time until they kill a unit.
  • Counter Helix: Gives a chance to perform a spinning attack whenever Axe gets hit, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
  • Culling Blade (Ultimate): Instantly kills a target if their health is below a certain threshold, and refreshes the cooldown if it kills.

3. Centaur Warrunner


  • Hoof Stomp: Stuns and damages all nearby enemies.
  • Double Edge: Deals heavy damage to a target and himself.
  • Retaliate: Passively returns damage to attackers when hit; can be activated to gain bonus attack damage based on stack count.
  • Stampede (Ultimate): Grants all allies on the map increased movement speed and the ability to run through obstacles, damaging enemies they trample.

4. Sven


  • Storm Hammer: Throws a magical hammer at an enemy unit that stuns and deals damage in a small area around the target.
  • Great Cleave: Sven strikes with great force, cleaving all nearby enemies with his attack.
  • Warcry: Shields himself and nearby allies with a temporary shield while boosting their movement speed.
  • God’s Strength (Ultimate): Sven channels his rogue strength, temporarily increasing his damage.

5. Bristleback


  • Viscous Nasal Goo: Slows a target and reduces their armor, stackable.
  • Quill Spray: Sprays damaging quills out from around him in an increasing damage stack with each cast.
  • Bristleback: Passively reduces damage taken from the rear and sides.
  • Warpath (Ultimate): Boosts his movement and attack damage each time he casts a spell.

6. Wraith King


  • Wraithfire Blast: Stuns an enemy and deals damage over time.
  • Vampiric Spirit: Provides lifesteal for himself and nearby melee allies.
  • Mortal Strike: Has a chance to deal critical damage; can use active to summon skeletons from killed enemies.
  • Reincarnation (Ultimate): Automatically revives him upon death, slowing and damaging nearby enemies upon revival.

7. Beastmaster


  • Wild Axes: Throws two axes that circle out and back to him, damaging enemies.
  • Call of the Wild: Summons a boar and a hawk to assist in battles.
  • Inner Beast: Grants attack speed to Beastmaster and nearby allies.
  • Primal Roar (Ultimate): Stuns and damages a target, pushing back and slowing all enemies in a line behind the target.

8. Dragon Knight


  • Breathe Fire: Reduces the attack damage of enemies and deals damage.
  • Dragon Tail: Stuns an enemy when in melee range.
  • Dragon Blood: Passively increases his armor and health regen.
  • Elder Dragon Form (Ultimate): Transforms him into a dragon, gaining new abilities depending on the level of the ultimate.

9. Magnus


  • Shockwave: Sends a wave of force that damages enemies in a line.
  • Empower: Temporarily grants an ally or himself increased damage and cleave ability.
  • Skewer: Charges forward, skewering enemies on his tusk, dragging them with him.
  • Reverse Polarity (Ultimate): Pulls all nearby enemies in front of him, stunning them and dealing damage.

10. Omniknight


  • Purification: Heals a target ally and damages nearby enemies.
  • Heavenly Grace: Grants an ally increased strength, status resistance, and health regen.
  • Degen Aura: Slows the movement and attack speed of nearby enemies.
  • Guardian Angel (Ultimate): Grants immunity to physical damage to nearby allies for a short duration.

All Agility Heroes in Dota 2 

Agility heroes in Dota 2 are primarily known for their quick attack speeds and high mobility. These heroes typically excel at dealing sustained physical damage and are often played in the carry role, where they scale effectively into the late game due to their ability to dish out rapidly increasing damage. Their agility attribute not only increases their attack speed but also enhances their armor, making them harder to kill as the game progresses.

  1. Anti-Mage
  2. Arc Warden
  3. Bloodseeker
  4. Bounty Hunter
  5. Broodmother
  6. Clinkz
  7. Drow Ranger
  8. Ember Spirit
  9. Faceless Void
  10. Gyrocopter
  11. Hoodwink
  12. Juggernaut
  13. Lone Druid
  14. Luna
  15. Medusa
  16. Meepo
  17. Mirana
  18. Monkey King
  19. Morphling
  20. Naga Siren
  21. Nyx Assassin
  22. Pangolier
  23. Phantom Assassin
  24. Phantom Lancer
  25. Razor
  26. Riki
  27. Shadow Fiend
  28. Slark
  29. Sniper
  30. Spectre
  31. Templar Assassin
  32. Terrorblade
  33. Troll Warlord
  34. Ursa
  35. Vengeful Spirit
  36. Venomancer
  37. Viper
  38. Weaver

10 Best Agility Heroes in Dota 2 

1. Phantom Assassin (Mortred)


  • Stifling Dagger: Throws a dagger that slows the target and deals a percentage of her attack damage.
  • Phantom Strike: Teleports to a unit, friend or foe, and grants bonus attack speed for a few hits.
  • Blur: Passively increases evasion against attacks and minimizes her visibility on the enemy minimap when near enemy heroes.
  • Coup de Grace (Ultimate): Grants a chance to deal massive critical damage on her attacks.

2. Anti-Mage (Magina)


  • Mana Break: Burns an opponent's mana on each attack and deals damage proportional to the mana burnt.
  • Blink: Teleports to a short distance, allowing for rapid movement across the map.
  • Spell Shield: Passively increases his resistance to magic damage.
  • Mana Void (Ultimate): Targets an enemy and causes damage based on the amount of mana the target is missing.

3. Faceless Void (Darkterror)


  • Time Walk: Rushes to a target point while backtracking any damage taken in the last few seconds.
  • Time Dilation: Temporarily freezes cooldown progression of enemies' abilities while slowing them.
  • Time Lock: Provides a chance to lock an enemy in a time lapse, stunning them and dealing bonus damage.
  • Chronosphere (Ultimate): Creates a sphere in which only Faceless Void can move freely, freezing all other units.

4. Juggernaut (Yurnero)


  • Blade Fury: Spins rapidly, dealing damage to nearby enemies while becoming immune to magic.
  • Healing Ward: Summons a ward that heals nearby allies over time.
  • Blade Dance: Provides a high chance to deal critical damage.
  • Omnislash (Ultimate): Performs a series of swift slashes to nearby enemies, dealing heavy damage.

5. Mirana (Princess of the Moon)


  • Starstorm: Calls down a wave of meteors to damage nearby enemies.
  • Sacred Arrow: Fires a long-range arrow with stunning and damage effects based on its flight distance.
  • Leap: Jumps backward, gaining a burst of movement speed.
  • Moonlight Shadow (Ultimate): Turns her and all allied heroes invisible.

6. Morphling


  • Waveform: Morphs into a wave and quickly surges forward, damaging all enemies in his path.
  • Adaptive Strike: Deals damage or stuns, with effects based on his attribute ratios.
  • Morph: Shifts his Agility into Strength or vice versa, providing flexibility in terms of damage and durability.
  • Replicate (Ultimate): Creates a copy of an enemy or ally to fight alongside him.

7. Slark (Nightcrawler)


  • Dark Pact: After a short delay, unleashes a burst of damage that also purges some debuffs.
  • Pounce: Leaps towards a target, binding them if it connects.
  • Essence Shift: Steals attributes from enemy heroes with his attacks.
  • Shadow Dance (Ultimate): Allows him to move unseen, regenerating health rapidly and gaining bonus movement speed.

8. Weaver (Skitskurr)


  • The Swarm: Launches beetles that latch onto enemies, reducing their armor and dealing damage.
  • Shukuchi: Allows him to move invisibly through units at an increased speed, damaging enemies he passes through.
  • Geminate Attack: Occasionally allows Weaver to attack twice in quick succession.
  • Time Lapse (Ultimate): Reverts him to his position and health from five seconds earlier.

9. Sniper (Kardel Sharpeye)


  • Shrapnel: Sprays a slow and damage-over-time area, which also provides vision.
  • Headshot: Gives a chance to deal extra damage and briefly slow enemies.
  • Take Aim: Increases his attack range, allowing him to engage enemies from great distances.
  • Assassinate (Ultimate): Locks on a target enemy and after a brief aim, fires a devastating shot.

10. Terrorblade (Demon Marauder)


  • Reflection: Creates illusions of all nearby enemy heroes that move toward their original and deal damage.
  • Conjure Image: Creates an illusion of Terrorblade that deals a fraction of his damage.
  • Metamorphosis: Transforms him into a powerful demon with a significant increase in attack range and damage.
  • Sunder (Ultimate): Swaps his health with another hero or allied illusion, useful for turning the tide of battle.

All Intelligence Heroes in Dota 2

Intelligence heroes in Dota 2 are typically characterized by their reliance on spells to deal damage, control the battlefield, or support their teammates. They generally have higher mana pools and mana regeneration rates, allowing them to cast more spells compared to heroes of other attributes. Intelligence heroes often play roles such as nukers, disablers, or supporters, and are crucial for team fights due to their abilities to sway the course of battle with magic and strategic utility.

  1. Ancient Apparition
  2. Bane
  3. Batrider
  4. Chen
  5. Crystal Maiden
  6. Dark Seer
  7. Dark Willow
  8. Dazzle
  9. Death Prophet
  10. Disruptor
  11. Enchantress
  12. Enigma
  13. Grimstroke
  14. Invoker
  15. Jakiro
  16. Keeper of the Light
  17. Leshrac
  18. Lich
  19. Lina
  20. Lion
  21. Muerta
  22. Nature's Prophet
  23. Necrophos
  24. Ogre Magi
  25. Oracle
  26. Outworld Devourer
  27. Puck
  28. Pugna
  29. Queen of Pain
  30. Rubick
  31. Shadow Demon
  32. Shadow Shaman
  33. Silencer
  34. Skywrath Mage
  35. Storm Spirit
  36. Techies
  37. Tinker
  38. Visage
  39. Void Spirit
  40. Warlock
  41. Windranger
  42. Winter Wyvern
  43. Witch Doctor
  44. Zeus
  45. Primal Beast

10 Best Intelligence Heroes in Dota 2

1. Invoker (Kael)


  • Quas, Wex, Exort: Three elements that he can invoke to combine into various powerful spells.
  • Invoke: Combines the elements to create new spells (total of 10 possible spells like Sun Strike, Tornado, Meteor).
  • Deafening Blast, EMP, Cold Snap, etc.: Examples of spells he can invoke, each providing unique effects such as stuns, damage, or control.

2. Outworld Devourer (Harbinger)


  • Arcane Orb: Adds extra pure damage to his attacks based on his current mana pool.
  • Astral Imprisonment: Temporarily banishes an enemy (or ally) from the battlefield, dealing damage upon return.
  • Essence Aura: Passively gives a chance to restore mana when casting spells.
  • Sanity's Eclipse (Ultimate): Deals massive damage based on the difference between his and the enemy's intelligence.

3. Crystal Maiden (Rylai)


  • Crystal Nova: Affects a large area with slow and damage.
  • Frostbite: Immobilizes and damages a single target over time.
  • Arcane Aura: Provides global mana regeneration to her team.
  • Freezing Field (Ultimate): Channels a powerful freezing storm that damages and slows enemies within it.

4. Puck (Faerie Dragon)


  • Illusory Orb: Fires an orb that damages enemies in its path; Puck can teleport to the orb's location with Ethereal Jaunt.
  • Waning Rift: Silences and damages all nearby enemies.
  • Phase Shift: Temporarily phases out of the world, dodging all incoming damage.
  • Dream Coil (Ultimate): Tethers enemies in an area to a spot, stunning them if they move too far away.

5. Lina (Slayer)


  • Dragon Slave: Sends a wave of fire that damages all enemies in a line.
  • Light Strike Array: Calls down a column of flames that stuns and damages enemies after a short delay.
  • Fiery Soul: Passively increases her attack and movement speed with each spell cast.
  • Laguna Blade (Ultimate): Blasts a single target with immense lightning damage.

6. Storm Spirit (Raijin Thunderkeg)


  • Static Remnant: Creates an explosive image that detonates when an enemy comes near, damaging all nearby enemies.
  • Electric Vortex: Pulls an enemy toward him, briefly stunning them.
  • Overload: After casting a spell, his next attack deals bonus damage and slows the enemy.
  • Ball Lightning (Ultimate): Turns into pure energy, flying rapidly across the map while damaging enemies passed through.

7. Tinker (Boush)


  • Laser: Deals damage and blinds the target, causing them to miss attacks.
  • Heat-Seeking Missile: Fires missiles at the nearest visible enemy heroes with the highest health within range.
  • March of the Machines: Deploys machines that march forward, damaging all enemies they encounter.
  • Rearm (Ultimate): Resets the cooldowns of his abilities and most items, allowing them to be used again immediately.

8. Nature's Prophet (Furion)


  • Sprout: Encloses an enemy in a ring of trees, trapping them.
  • Teleportation: Instantly teleports to any location on the map.
  • Nature's Call: Converts an area of trees into treants to fight for him.
  • Wrath of Nature (Ultimate): Releases a damaging nature's wrath that bounces across the map, hitting enemies.

9. Necrophos (Rotund'jere)


  • Death Pulse: Emits a pulse that heals allies and damages enemies around him.
  • Ghost Shroud: Turns ethereal, increasing healing received and slowing nearby enemies but taking more magic damage.
  • Heartstopper Aura: Passively reduces the health of nearby enemies.
  • Reaper's Scythe (Ultimate): Stuns and then deals damage based on the missing health of the target, increasing their respawn time if killed.

10. Zeus (Lord of Heaven)


  • Arc Lightning: Casts a bolt of lightning that arcs between enemies.
  • Lightning Bolt: Summons a bolt of lightning to strike an enemy unit or area, providing true sight around the impact.
  • Static Field: Passively causes his abilities to deal extra damage based on the current health of nearby enemies.
  • Thundergod's Wrath (Ultimate): Strikes all enemy heroes with lightning, regardless of their position on the map.

What Are Dota 2 New Hero in 2024?

The latest hero to be introduced to Dota 2 in 2024 is The Ringmaster. This new addition was first unveiled during The International 2023, with plans for the official release set for some time in 2024. The Ringmaster carries a distinct circus theme, capturing the imagination of the Dota 2 community with its unique aesthetics and anticipated gameplay role. More details about The Ringmaster's abilities and specific gameplay role will likely emerge as we approach its launch date.

Best Dota 2 Heroes for Beginners

For beginners in Dota 2, choosing heroes that have straightforward abilities and forgiving gameplay mechanics is crucial. These heroes typically require less intricate skill execution and have fewer active items to manage, making them ideal for new players who are still learning the fundamentals of the game. Here are some of the best Dota 2 heroes for beginners, categorized by their primary roles:

1. Carry (DPS) Heroes

  • Wraith King: He has a straightforward kit with a passive critical strike and reincarnation as his ultimate, which allows him to resurrect after death. This makes him very forgiving for new players.
  • Phantom Assassin: Known for her ability to deliver significant burst damage with her critical hits. Her skills are straightforward, focusing primarily on attacking.

2. Support Heroes

  • Lich: Offers simple yet effective abilities like Frost Blast for slowing and damaging enemies, and the ultimate Chain Frost, which can deal massive damage in team fights. His Sacrifice ability helps manage lane control by denying creeps.
  • Crystal Maiden: Her Frostbite and Crystal Nova provide good control and damage, making her a valuable team support, while her Arcane Aura helps with mana regeneration for herself and her team.

3. Offlane Heroes

  • Bristleback: Known for his durability and straightforward quill-spraying combat style. His passive makes him harder to kill, which is forgiving for beginners.
  • Tidehunter: Great for beginners due to his tankiness and impactful ultimate, Ravage, which stuns all enemies in a large area.

4. Midlane Heroes

  • Dragon Knight: His abilities make him tough and capable of taking hits, while his Dragon Form provides a powerful transformation that can push towers effectively.
  • Viper: A strong lane dominator with corrosive abilities that reduce enemy attack and movement speed. His passive poison attack simplifies harassing opponents.

5. Utility Heroes

  • Warlock: His abilities focus on healing allies and dealing damage over time. His ultimate, Chaotic Offering, summons a golem that's great for team fights.
  • Ogre Magi: A durable support with a very simple ability set that includes powerful buffs and multi-cast capabilities, making him fun and effective without complex strategies.

These heroes are recommended for beginners because they can be impactful with a minimal learning curve and provide a solid foundation for understanding the core mechanics of Dota 2. As you gain more experience, experimenting with more complex heroes will become more feasible and rewarding.

Most Strongest Heroes in Dota 2

The "strongest" heroes in Dota 2 really depends on factors like the current meta, recent patch updates, and even player skill levels. However, some heroes are almost always in the spotlight because of their strong performance in team fights, solo capabilities, and overall flexibility. Below, you'll find a list of heroes that are widely regarded as powerful contenders in various versions and patches, organized by their roles:

Carry Heroes

  1. Spectre: Known for her late-game dominance, where she can become virtually unkillable with the right items, and her Haunt ability allows her to impact fights globally.
  2. Terrorblade: With his Metamorphosis, he can deal massive amounts of physical damage, and Sunder can turn the tides of battle by swapping health percentages.

Midlane Heroes

  1. Invoker: Extremely versatile with a vast array of spells at his disposal, making him potent in various situations from crowd control to high single-target damage.
  2. Storm Spirit: Known for his mobility and ability to initiate fights from great distances with Ball Lightning, making him a formidable ganker.

Offlane Heroes

  1. Mars: Offers strong arena control with his Arena of Blood, capable of changing the outcome of team fights. His Spear of Mars provides reliable initiation.
  2. Axe: Effective at controlling the pace early with his ability to cut lanes and his powerful team fight presence with Berserker's Call and Counter Helix.

Support Heroes

  1. Oracle: His abilities to save allies with False Promise and disarm or heal with Fate's Edict and Purifying Flames make him a top-tier support.
  2. Enigma: Known for his game-changing ultimate, Black Hole, which can catch multiple enemies and turn the tide of any team fight.

Flexible Heroes

  1. Meepo: One of the hardest heroes to master but incredibly strong in skilled hands due to his ability to farm quickly and overwhelm opponents with multiple clones.
  2. Broodmother: Dominates lanes and can take over the game if not properly countered. Her ability to spawn spiderlings allows her to push and control the map effectively.

Honorable Mentions

  • Shadow Fiend: Excellent for both farming and dealing high damage in fights with his triple-Raze combo and Requiem of Souls.
  • Puck: Exceptional mobility and elusiveness, along with powerful area control abilities.

These heroes are generally considered strong due to their ability to impact the game through damage, control, or utility. The strength of these heroes can fluctuate with balance changes in patches, so keeping up with the current meta is crucial for maximizing their potential.

Dota 2 Hero Ranking Positions

In Dota 2, heroes are typically categorized into different roles or positions based on where they are most effective on the map and their primary objectives during the game. Here are the main positions:

1. Position 1: Carry (Safe Lane)

  • Primary Role: This hero is expected to become the most powerful by the late game, securing the majority of the team's farm to build items that maximize damage output.
  • Example Heroes: Anti-Mage, Phantom Assassin, Spectre.

2. Position 2: Midlaner

  • Primary Role: Controls the tempo of the game, often through dominating the middle lane and then rotating to other lanes to secure kills or create pressure.
  • Example Heroes: Invoker, Storm Spirit, Shadow Fiend.

3. Position 3: Offlaner (Hard Lane)

  • Primary Role: Generally plays in the hardest lane (opposite the safe lane), focusing on gaining levels quickly and disrupting the enemy carry’s farm. Durability or escape mechanisms are typical traits of these heroes.
  • Example Heroes: Tidehunter, Axe, Centaur Warrunner.

4. Position 4: Soft Support (Roaming Support)

  • Primary Role: Provides support across the map, assisting in the mid and off lanes primarily. This role focuses on utility and disruption, often securing key items like wards, smoke, and initiating tools.
  • Example Heroes: Earth Spirit, Tusk, Rubick.

5. Position 5: Hard Support (Safe Lane Support)

  • Primary Role: Focuses on ensuring the carry can farm effectively in the safe lane. This role involves a lot of sacrificing personal gain for the team's benefit, such as buying wards, courier, and other support items.
  • Example Heroes: Crystal Maiden, Warlock, Dazzle.

Tips on How to Choose a Hero in Dota 2

Choosing the right hero in Dota 2 can greatly influence your success and enjoyment in the game. Here are some concise tips to guide your selection:

  1. Understand Roles: Know whether you prefer carrying, supporting, or another role. Each has different responsibilities and impacts.
  2. Team Composition: Choose heroes that complement the strengths and weaknesses of your team's lineup.
  3. Counter Picks: Select heroes that can effectively counter the abilities and strategies of the opposing team.
  4. Comfort Level: Opt for heroes you are comfortable and experienced with, as familiarity often translates to better performance.
  5. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on the current meta; some heroes might be more powerful due to the latest game updates.

By considering these factors, you can make strategic choices that enhance both team dynamics and personal gameplay experience.

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