How To Fix High Ping in Return Alive?
Last Update: 08/14/2024

Return Alive is a gripping survival horror game developed by a small indie team. Set in a post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies, players must navigate treacherous environments, scavenge for resources, and fend off hordes of undead creatures to survive. With its immersive atmosphere, challenging gameplay, and strategic decision-making, Return Alive offers a thrilling experience for fans of the survival horror genre.

In Return Alive, you may encounter situations where high ping or lag arises from your server's location or network issues, resulting in gameplay delays that hinder effective competition. This passage aims to provide a swift solution for resolving high ping in Return Alive.

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Part 1: Why Do I Get Really High Ping in Return Alive?

Part 2: How to Get 0 Ping In Return Alive?

Part 3: Other Ways to Fix Return Alive High/Bad Ping

Part 1: Why Do I Get Really High Ping in Return Alive?

High ping in Return Alive can occur due to various factors, including:

  • Geographical Distance: The physical distance between your location and the game server plays a significant role in determining your ping. If the game server is located far away from you, the data packets take longer to travel back and forth between your device and the server, resulting in higher ping.
  • Network Congestion: During peak hours or in densely populated areas, network congestion can occur. This congestion leads to increased latency as data packets encounter more traffic and take longer to reach their destination. As a result, your ping may spike while playing Return Alive.
  • Bandwidth Limitations: Limited bandwidth from your internet service provider (ISP) can also contribute to high ping. If your connection doesn't have enough bandwidth to handle the data exchange required for smooth gameplay, you may experience delays and higher ping times.
  • ISP Issues: Sometimes, issues with your ISP, such as network maintenance or technical problems, can lead to high ping. These issues can disrupt the flow of data between your device and the game server, causing spikes in ping and affecting your gameplay experience.
  • Wireless Connection Interference: If you're using a wireless connection to play Return Alive, interference from other devices, electronic appliances, or physical obstacles between your device and the router can degrade your connection quality, resulting in higher ping.

Part 2: How to Get 0 Ping In Return Alive?

Using LagoFast to get 0 ping in Return Alive Without Lag. It is a good choice, proved by many players. LagoFast can help reduce high ping in games due to several reasons:

  • Optimized Routing: LagoFast often use optimized routes to connect you to game servers. By bypassing congested or inefficient network paths taken by your regular ISP, LagoFast can potentially reduce the number of hops data packets need to travel, thereby lowering ping.
  • Server Proximity: LagoFast offers access to servers located closer to game servers than your actual location. Connecting to a server near the game server can result in shorter physical distances for data to travel, reducing latency and ping times.
  • Stable Connection: LagoFast can provide a more stable and consistent connection by rerouting your traffic through their own servers. This can help reduce fluctuations in ping caused by network congestion or other issues on your ISP's network.

Now, LagoFast offers cost-effective subscription plans with competitive pricing. Utilize LagoFast for a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience. Try it for free by following these steps:

Step 1: Download and install LagoFast


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Step 2: Input “Return Alive” and click the result.

fix Return Alive High/Bad Ping

Step 3: To switch to a better server that satisfies your needs, click "Select Server." To obtain a steady Node, click "Node" on the right.

got really high ping in Return Alive

Step 4: When you click the "Smart Boost button", the particular game ping, packet loss, and network type will be shown on the right side.

Return Alive high ping

Part 3: Other Ways to Fix Return Alive High/Bad Ping

  • Optimize Network Settings: Ensure that your network settings are optimized for gaming. This includes using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi, closing background applications consuming bandwidth, and disabling any QoS (Quality of Service) settings on your router that may prioritize other types of traffic over gaming data.
  • Update Network Drivers: Ensure that your network drivers are up-to-date. Outdated or corrupted network drivers can lead to connectivity issues and high ping. Check the website of your network adapter's manufacturer for the latest drivers and install them.
  • Check for Network Congestion: Monitor your network for signs of congestion, especially during peak usage hours. If possible, schedule your gaming sessions during off-peak hours when network traffic is lighter.
  • Optimize In-Game Settings: Lowering graphics settings and disabling features like V-Sync can reduce the strain on your system and network, potentially improving ping in Return Alive.
  • Restart Router and Modem: Sometimes, simply restarting your router and modem can resolve temporary network issues that may be causing high ping.


In summary, this passage provides valuable guidance on reducing high ping in Return Alive. Implementing these steps enables players to eliminate lags and packet loss, leading to improved matchmaking and an overall enhanced gaming experience in Return Alive.