Classic: Season of Discovery in World of Warcraft introduces a plethora of challenges and opportunities for players. One key aspect is the presence of Supply Officers, essential NPCs that play a crucial role in your journey, which can help you get runes, gold and experience in the game. However, the game does little to explain what Waylaid Supplies are, even Supply Officers' locations. If you are confused by the new Waylaid Supplies in WoW Classic Season of Discover, this guide will walk you through the process of finding Supply Officers to ensure you make the most of this exciting season.
Waylaid Supplies are items obtained randomly from chests and dead enemies in WoW Classic: Season of Discovery. Waylaid Supplies are items that offer two options: fulfill item requirements for more rewards or turn in the item itself for a smaller amount of loot, experience, and reputation with Azeroth Commerce Authority (Alliance) or Durotar Supply and Logistics (Horde).
Important Things:
To obtain Waylaid Supplies in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, defeat enemies and loot them. These supplies are guaranteed drops from various mobs like Humanoids, Undead, and Beasts. Once acquired, visit a Supply Officer for further actions.
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Supply Officers are usually located near Auction Houses in both Horde and Alliance cities, so you can find a Supply Officer in each major city: Stormwind, Darnassus, Ironforge, Undercity, Thunder Bluff, and Orgrimmar. They are easy to spot because of the blue question mark above their heads. When you have a Waylaid Supply crate in your bags, that NPC will have a blue question mark above their head, just like any other repeatable quests. For precise coordinates and locations based on your faction, here are all supply officer locations in Classic Season of Discovery.
Here's the full list of potential Waylaid Supplies in WoW Classic - 42 different Waylaid Supplies in WoW Season of Discovery. But please keep in mind that you may only carry one Waylaid Supplies item at a time.
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Step 4. Click smart boost and start boosting WoW Classic Season of Discovery now. You can check the real-time ping and packet loss on the boosting page.
Now that you know how to turn Waylaid Supplies and find all Supply Officers in WoW Classic Season of Discovery, and you know also how to deliver Waylaid Supplies to a Supply Officer and gain the maximum reward, enjoy the game.
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