How To Improve Your Gaming Latency?
Last Update: 03/27/2023
Summer Ye

Quickly Reduce Game Lag and Ping!

Boost FPS for Smoother Gameplay!

If you usually play computer games, I think latency must not be new to you. This is a very annoying problem and can seriously affect your gaming experience. What exactly is the gaming latency? What causes this problem? And how to improve your gaming latency? I think these questions could be people most concerned about. Fortunately, after reading this article, you can find the answers. And a professional latency fixer will also be introduced on this page to help you easily improve gaming latency.

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Part 1: What Does Latency Mean?

Part 2: What Latency Is Good For Gaming?

Part 3: What Causes High Latency While Gaming?

Part 4: How To Improve Your Gaming Latency Easily?

Part 5: Other Effective Solutions To Lower Latency On PC

What Does Latency Mean?

What exactly is latency? Latency is also known as lag, delay, or kale. Latency issues are common when playing video games. But what Is the Definition of Latency? The answers can be found in the article What Is Latency Meaning?. Latency, as defined in this article, is the time between your keyboard or mouse input and the output from your monitor. Data will be transferred from your computer to the game server and then back again. As a result, there is a time delay. However, most of the time, the delay is not noticeable; however, when the time spent becomes long, the delay becomes noticeable, and then latency occurs.

gaming latency 

What Latency Is Good For Gaming?

The delay between your computer and the game server always exists. However, as shown above, when the time spent on transmission increases to a high level, you can experience latency while gaming. But what is the high level of time spent? Here, you can get a better understanding of good latency for gaming, which is measured in ms. And it is also advised to read What Is A Good Ping For Gaming? 

  • Good latency for gaming (100): If your latency is less than 100, don’t be concerned; the time spent on transmission will not cause significant latency issues. Particularly if your latency is less than 70. And, while there will be some latency at 100ms, most of it will be imperceptible and will not have a significant impact on your in-game performance.
  • Playable but with some latency (100 to 150): If your latency rises above 100 but falls below 150, you will notice much latency when playing games. These will have a significant impact on your gaming experience.
  • Unstable and unplayable (>150): If your latency exceeds 150, you will experience several latency while playing the game. And with so much latency, you may find it difficult to enjoy the game or even run it. As a result, it is necessary to look for information on how to fix high latency!

improve lag 

What Causes High Latency While Gaming?

Many factors can contribute to high latency while gaming. In summary, there are three major factors to consider: hardware configuration, network connectivity, and game servers.

  • To begin, if you want to play the game smoothly and without latency, make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements.
  • The network connection could then seriously affect the data transfer time between the computer and the server, which is what ping means. As a result, if you have network congestion, bandwidth congestion, an unstable wireless connection, or bad routing, your computer will experience high ping.
  • And perhaps the gaming latency isn’t directed at you. This problem can also occur if there are issues with the game server.

improve what 

How To Improve Your Gaming Latency Easily?

There are numerous measures that could be taken to improve gaming latency. However, there is a quick and simple fix for improving gaming latency: use the expert latency improving product LatencyoFast. It can accelerate the transfer process by employing a proprietary data transmission protocol. LatencyoFast also includes international nodes and exclusive routes to address network connectivity, which will drastically reduce transmission time while also improving network connectivity. You could choose these nodes based on your geological location before starting the game.


In addition, unlike other game latency reducers, LatencyoFast launched the plan per minute, which allows you to suspend LatencyoFast’s service to improve gaming latency at any time without being charged. As a result, if you don’t play games every day, LatencyoFast is the most cost-effective option for you!

If you want to try using LatencyoFast to improve gaming latency, you can click the Free Trial button to download the LatencyoFast client and experience the network connection optimization service. Or go to LagoFast  site to get more informantion.

Let Go of Game Lag, Say Goodbye to Low FPS!
  • ✅ Reduce Lag and High Ping.
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  • ✅ Support Easy Lobby in all Cod Games without Lag
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Before running the game, you just need to find the game in LatencyoFast and click the Boost button, LatencyoFast will ensure your smooth gaming experience in the background.


LatencyoFast also supports 1000+ more popular online games, you could use it to optimize your gaming experience in other games too!


Other Effective Solutions To Lower Latency On PC

Solution 1: Determine whether your computer meets the minimum system requirements.

As previously stated, latency is the time elapsed between the input from your mouse or keyboard and the output on the monitor. As a result, the hardware configuration may be critical. Check that your computer meets the minimum system requirements. Also, if at all possible, try to meet the recommended system requirements.

Solution 2: Connect to the server that is closest to your geographic location.

The distance between your geographical location and the game server may play a role in latency. You should select a game server while the game is loading. And if you want to improve gaming latency, you should choose a game server closest to your geological location, decreasing effectively the time spent on data transmission.

Solution 3: Remove any unnecessary background applications.

If you have a lot of background applications running, your network will become congested, and your computer’s performance will suffer. Close unnecessary background applications, such as multiple Chrome tabs, to free up space for your game and reduce latency! Keep some essential Windows applications running in mind, however. Fortunately, LagoFast can help you determine which ones are unnecessary and remove them.

Solution 4: Upgrade your mouse or keyboard to avoid input latency.

As you may be aware, mouse movements can cause game latency. As a result, using better hardware, such as a mouse or keyboard, could be one of the most effective ways to boost computer performance and improve gaming latency.

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