Modern Warfare 2 maps, Features, and Guide
Last Update: 11/28/2023
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II drops players into an unprecedented global conflict that features the return of the iconic Operators of Task Force 141. From small-scale, high-stakes infiltration tactical ops to highly classified missions, players will deploy alongside friends in a truly immersive experience. But also, Modern Warfare 2 maps are meticulously designed and can be an attraction factor to fans. 

Developed by Infinity Ward, this game will open beta to all players on September 24, and launch on October 28. To know better about Modern Warfare 2 maps and the new features of this new work, make sure to read this guide.


Part 1: Modern Warfare 2 maps

Part 2: Is CoD Modern Warfare 2 2022 a Remaster?

Part 3: Features of Modern Warfare 2

Part 4: How to get a flawless gaming experience in Modern Warfare 2?

Modern Warfare 2 Maps

Modern Warfare 2 maps will be in two different styles: Battle Maps and Core Maps.

Battle Maps are for large-scale game modes that will take place in zones from the new Warzone 2 map, Core Maps are designed for the classic 6v6 combat, including Domination, Infected, Hardpoint, and Search & Destroy.

Modern Warfare 2 Maps: Battle Maps

Battle Maps are likely to appear in Ground War. Till now, we can confirm these Battle Maps will appear in Modern Warfare 2.

  • Sariff Bay: It sets in a fishing village where you’ll be able to explore the surrounding waters.
  • Sa'id: It is said to combine elements of the core map and combat map gameplay.
  • Hydro

Modern Warfare 2 Maps: Core Maps

Various locations and different landscapes will give players a wonderful multiplayer experience. What’s more, during the in-person event, 3 core maps were revealed: Museum, Grand Prix, and Farm 18 Training Facility. Here's a list of confirmed maps appearing in Modern Warfare 2.

  • Museum: This map is an indoor map with some outdoor areas, and it will allow players to duke it out within a Spanish museum.

  • Grand Prix: It will take players to a race track set, which will have both day and night variants. The track is supposedly located in Asia, therefore it might be inspired by Formula 1 tracks in Japan or China.

  • Farm 18: This one is set in an abandoned cement factory that has been turned into a military training facility with a shoot house in the middle. It is set to deliver on high-octane action as players battle it out inside of a training facility as the name would suggest.
  • Oilfield


  • Esports Gym
  • Dogtown
  • Exhume
  • Fallout
  • Favela
  • Floating Bay
  • Killhouse
  • Lighthouse
  • Luxury
  • Mountain
  • Town
  • Narcos

Is CoD Modern Warfare 2 2022 a Remaster?

Despite having the same name as the 2009 video game Modern Warfare 2, it won't have the same plot because this is a reboot and not a remaster or remake.

The 2022 setting of the upcoming Modern Warfare 2 will center on Task Force 141, a counterterrorism organization. There will be a single-player story as well as online multiplayer, with new game modes for the latter, according to Infinity Ward.

Captain John Price and John "Soap" MacTavish are among the well-known characters in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, which has a completely different plot from the first game of the same name in 2009.

Three years after Price establishes Task Force 141 as a counterterrorism organization, the story takes place in 2022. The team will be entrusted with fighting the drug cartel Las Alamas and the terrorist group Al-Qatala as well as calming down the situation after a US missile strike.

The locations of the story missions will be all over the world, including Europe, Asia, and the United States. To change up the gameplay, it has also been announced that there will be both stealth missions and "all-out explosive assaults" on enemy strongholds.

Many new maps will also appear in “Modern Warfare 2”. But a leaker revealed that several maps from the first Modern Warfare 2 would be making an appearance.

To get to know more about CoD Modern Warfare 2 release date, guide and latest news, read this article.

Features of Modern Warfare 2

According to the latest report from foreign media PCGamesN, developer Infinity Ward said: that "CoD Modern Warfare 2 2022" will focus on the theme of "heroism", describing heroic deeds while retaining the space for discussion of human nature. In addition, all future development studios of the "Call of Duty" series, such as Sledgehammer, Raven, Treyarch, etc., will make new products based on the IW engine of "CoD Modern Warfare 2 2022"!

Except for the meticulously designed Modern Warfare 2 maps, here are the main features of the game.

  • Mechanisms related to "water": As we know, water is an element that most games can’t handle. Infinity Ward hopes to make some breakthroughs, such as the realistic reaction of the water surface when the character sticks his head out of the water, the change of the combat light in the water, the foam near the hull Changes, and so on will give players an immersive feeling.

  • gunsmith system: The gunsmith system that allows players to personalize firearms as much as possible has long existed, but the gunsmith system in “Modern Warfare 2" will be more in-depth. As players progress, they will be able to unlock different series of firearms and massive accessories, each accessory will have a more subtle adjustment space so that players have the feeling of creating their favorite guns.


  • AI: Studio animation director Mark Grigsby said: In “Modern Warfare 2", AI characters will be smarter and their behaviors will be closer to people. For example, when they are teammates, they will care about each other's safety and cherish their own lives and teamwork, etc. It is worth mentioning that smarter AIs will also be added in the sequel to "War Zone", and they will judge the situation, rather than rushing out knowing that there are enemies ahead.

How to get a flawless gaming experience?

When we play Modern Warfare 2, you'll know that there are just so many things happening at once in both Battle Royale and Plunder that the FPS and Performance are never constant. Likewise, when you experience such severe FPS reductions and inconsistent performance. You never really enjoy the game, and succeeding gets difficult. Now we will introduce two methods: changing the configuration and using a game booster.

Use a Professional Cod Modern Warfare 2 Game Booster

We can also use the game booster to get a better game experience.

  • LagoFast: This is a game booster that we highly recommend to you after comprehensive consideration. Firstly, it’s very easy to use and you can enjoy HD, super-smooth visuals with a systematic, one-click boost. Then, LagoFast has 8 years of experience implementing the industry’s leading data transfer protocol. Last but not the least, Support the Plan-Per-Minute service, stop charging whenever you want, and it is the only one in the game booster and game VPN that has the timing package, which can make the cost performance higher. Check detailed steps of how to reduce CoD MW2 lag

Here's how to use LagoFast:

Step 1: Download LagoFast.

Let Go of Game Lag, Say Goodbye to Low FPS!
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Step 2: Type " cod mw2 " in the Search box and click on it.

modern warfare 2 maps

Step 3: Choose your needed server.

modern warfare 2 maps

Step 4: Click on the Boost button to start boosting.

Also, on this page, you can have a direct view of your real-time ping rate and packet loss rate in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

modern warfare 2 maps

If you want to improve your in-game FPS performance or avoid Modern Warfare 2 FPS drop, you can also use LagoFast to adjust your settings. To do so:

Step 1: Select the FPS Boost tab on the desktop.

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Step 2: Click on the settings you want to turn on.

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If you want to get bot lobbies/ easy lobbies in other CoD games, LagoFast could also be a good helper:

Step 1: Download LagoFast and register, remember to get free trial time.

Let Go of Game Lag, Say Goodbye to Low FPS!
  • ✅ Reduce Lag and High Ping.
  • ✅ Boost FPS at the Same Time.
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  • ✅ Support Easy Lobby in all Cod Games without Lag
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Step 2: Type " easy lobby " in the Search box and click it.

bot lobby 

Then, you can adjust the server you wanted and choose the best nodes with lower ping.

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Step 3: Click on the Boost button to begin boosting.

On this page, you can have a direct view of your real-time ping rate and packet loss rate which are related to FPS performance.

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  • Razer Cortex: This Razer Cortex function controls and shuts down unnecessary processes and apps (such as business apps and background assistants), freeing up precious resources and RAM for a more enjoyable experience. However, Razer Cortex turns off background applications that may make your computer run a little bit slower (almost noticeable). Overall, Razer Cortex is just one of that software that promises to make your PC run times faster but ends up making it run slower in the process.


  • Wtfast: Its type of network solution is GPN (Gamers Private Network), which is fundamentally different than others. What’s more, Wtfast can use machine learning to select an optimized traffic path for game connection. The price of the booster is $9.99/month, $24.99/3month and $99.9/year. However, according to many users, WTfast’s pricing structure isn’t as attractive as other GPNs and It is not universally compatible. 


Change configuration

When we want to get high FPS by changing the computer configuration, we can do it in the following ways.

  • Delete temp files
  • Disable useless applications, services, and notifications to reduce CPU load
  • Disable full-screen optimization
  • Enable game mode

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