Full Details of Overwatch 2's Classic Mode
Last Update: 11/15/2024
Summer Ye

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Overwatch 2 is taking a page from WoW Classic and returning to the beginning, announcing a brand-new Overwatch Classic mode featuring the original 21 heroes and 12 maps from the 2016 release.

The nostalgia mode, which launches November 12th and continues over the course of three weeks, will feature key moments from Overwatch history, Blizzard says. It'll begin with the original 1.0 version from launch, with no limits on which characters you can pick.

Next we will introduce you to the details of Classic Mode of Overwatch 2 and how to run Overwatch 2 smoothly with our game booster LagoFast.

Part 1: What is Overwatch 2 Classic Mode ?

Part 2: Details of Overwatch 2 Classic Mode

Part 3: Enhance your Overwatch 2 gaming experience with LagoFast

Part 4: FAQs

Part 1: What is Overwatch 2 Classic Mode ?

In 2016, Blizzard introduced a novel gaming universe titled Overwatch, centered around the theme of battling for the future. This allured millions of you to immerse yourselves in the roles of fresh heroes such as a time-traveling adventurer, a mech pilot formerly an esports champion, and a genetically altered gorilla hailing from the Moon. We collectively engaged in fierce combat across extraordinary battlefields spanning various parts of a future Earth. Presently, you have the chance to revisit these cherished memories through a series of new limited-time events in Overwatch 2, where you can once again engage in the iconic 6v6 team-based action, reliving the original heroes, abilities, and maps. Prepare yourselves to respond to the call for Overwatch: Classic.

We're taking a nostalgic trip back to the original 1.0 release in May 2016, which includes a multitude of abilities that haven't been witnessed for years, along with the chaotic and thrilling gameplay that characterized that era.

Overwatch: Classic Release Date

The limited-time game mode, Overwatch: Classic, has commenced today and will be available in the hero-based shooter until December 2, 2024. Don't miss out on the chance to revisit the original days of Overwatch by playing this special mode now. However, if you happen to miss it, don't worry, as more Classic events are planned for future action-packed updates.

How to Play Overwatch Classic

To access Overwatch: Classic, navigate to the main menu of Overwatch 2 and click on the orange 'Overwatch: Classic' button located in the top left corner. This will direct you to the event hub page where you can join the queue.

Classic Mode follows the traditional Quick Play ruleset, with heroes categorized into their original roles: Attackers, Defenders, Tanks, and Supports. However, you have the freedom to choose any hero regardless of your team's composition. Additionally, Classic Mode boasts faster Ultimate charge rates, enabling you to utilize your Ultimate abilities more frequently.

Part 2: All Overwatch Classic Heroes and Abilities

In Classic mode, there are 21 heroes available, featuring only those who were present at the launch of Overwatch. Unfortunately, this excludes heroes like Ana. However, every character will have their original balance restored, enabling you to revisit the golden era of powerful heroes such as Roadhog.

Offensive Heroes

  • Cassidy
  • Genji
  • Pharah
  • Reaper
  • Soldier 76
  • Tracer

Defense Heroes

  • Bastion
  • Hanzo
  • Junkrat
  • Mei
  • Torbjörn
  • Widowmaker

Tank Heroes

  • D.Va
  • Reinhardt
  • Roadhog
  • Winston
  • Zarya

Support Heroes

  • Lúcio
  • Mercy
  • Symmetra
  • Zenyatta


Part 3: Enhance Your Overwatch 2 Gaming Experience with LagoFast

Like many other FPS games, Overwatch 2 also needs low ping and no lags to get good scores and victory , consider ways to enhance your gaming experience in Overwatch 2. One effective solution is using LagoFast, a dedicated gaming VPN and booster designed to reduce lag, lower ping, and improve overall gameplay.

  • Lag Reduction: LagoFast optimizes your connection by routing your data through its private servers, reducing lag and ensuring a smoother gaming experience. This is especially beneficial during peak gaming hours when server traffic is high.
  • Stable Connection: By using LagoFast, you can achieve a more stable connection, minimizing the chances of sudden disconnects or spikes in latency during crucial moments in the game.
  • Cross-Platforms Booster: LagoFast shines out as the cross-platform booster, which can enhance your gaming experience in Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC, and mobile. This lets it become the best game booster for Overwatch 2 because Overwatch 2 is also available on these different platforms.

Tutorial to use LagoFast to enhance the Overwatch 2 gaming experience:

Step 1: Click the Free Trial button to download and install LagoFast. 


Free Trial


Step 2: Open LagoFast then click the PC button on the left and search Overwatch 2 in the search bar, click it after appearing.

Step 3: Click on “Server” to change to a stable server that ensures better gaming, then click on “Smart Boost”.

Step 4: Check the specific game ping, packet loss, and multiple path connection on the right side. Finally, click the “Start Game” to play the game.

Part 4: FAQs

Q. When can I play Overwatch: Classic?
Overwatch: Classic is a limited-time event from November 12 to December 2.

Q: Is it a way to test bringing back 6v6 permanently in Overwatch 2?
A: Nope! We are running separate 6v6 test modes in future seasons to gather feedback and gauge player interest on that format. See our recent Director’s Take for more information on those tests

Q. Is this a separate game from Overwatch 2 that I have to install?
A. This is not a separate game. This is a mode that will be playable in Overwatch 2, which you’ll find in the Events Hub and in the Arcade in the Main Menu.

Q. Will maps be restored to their original design when Overwatch Patch 1.0 was released?
A. Overwatch: Classic will use the 12 original maps that first launched, however, maps will appear the same as they do in other Overwatch 2 game modes. This includes major reworks for Dorado, Numbani, Route 66, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar. Things like match timing and how elevator platforms work will still be the same as they appear in Overwatch 2 game modes.

Q. Can I equip my favorite skins including Overwatch 2 skins when playing?
A. As part of the nostalgia of playing Overwatch: Classic, players will be using only the original Overwatch default skins for this event.


The return of Overwatch 2: Classic Mode will surely attract many old Overwatch players to return, which will not only bring a richer gaming experience, but also make people fall in love with this game again and feel its uniqueness.Hurry up and join the battlefield to fight, and don’t forget to use our product LagoFast to get the best gaming experience!

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